We our thankful to part of the HARVESTER Reformational Family of Churches Worldwide.
Ministries and Organisations we Support

Jerigo Walls 7 - day Prayer Challenge
2021 is the 9th year of the 7 Days on the Wall initiative. We are intensifying our cry to God for spiritual breakthrough by praying for 7 days every 7 weeks.

HUG Help Us Grow
HUG (Help Us Grow) is devoted to helping vulnerable communities living in the most precarious circumstances to become dignified communities who reciprocate the fortification they have received, by helping other communities. - Day care - EDUCARE 9:00 - 12:00 - Nutrition Centre 3 x a week - Teacher Development (PEBBLES) CITRUSDAL - RIVERVIEW

Amos Bridgebuilding Land Summit 2018
The National Land Summit brought together various stakeholders to engage on possible solutions to the subject of land and agriculture. The Summit explored existing workable solutions and models that have been implemented in different parts of the country as a starting point to learn, unlearn and innovate a harmonious narrative of National Cohesion.

Namakwaland Farms / Uganda Birinzi Village
Restoring, empowering & advancing our communities through commercial agriculture. Namakwaland Farms is a diverse partnership of community stakeholders operating from principles of shared value. Using our ‘50% profit / 50% impact model’ we are in a unique position to transform the way business operates in society.

Clanwilliam Police Forum
Cooperative Community Development happens when two forces are functionally in operation: Compassionate Benevolence and strict Law Enforcement. Together we will have to work hard so both these forces are effectively executed and kept sustainable in developing a healthy developmental community. This approach is based on basic ethical core values, reciprocal respect and continual relational building of trust. The CPF intends to serve as a neutral respected and trusted bridge builder to bring the Community, SAPS, Municipal Law Enforcement and all local safety and security partners responsible for law enforcement together to draw up and implement ONE COMMUNITY SAFETY PLAN.

“Alone we are a drop, together we are an ocean”
Start a ripple!

Hebron Community Projects
Hebron Community Projects is a non-profit organisation and a catalyst for positive change in South African society. Our projects have been developed specifically to give struggling youth and the Community of Citrusdal the opportunity to reclaim some of what has been lost in their lives. Hebron and Philadelphia are two pieces of farm-land in Citrusdal, in the Western Cape of South Africa. Uplifting the community and encouraging transformational development remain the key elements to our vision at HCP. Our focus will be on providing programs and facilities that will allow for qualified personnel to counsel, teach, train, disciple and provide a safe haven for the community of Citrusdal.

Ruben Richards Foundation
“We heal the hearts, minds and souls of traumatised communities.” Our journey to a truly free and economically prosperous South Africa begins here. The Ruben Richards Foundation is a South African NGO that restores and empowers traumatised communities so they may realise their full potential. We strive to restore local and international communities by liberating their hearts and minds through integrated upliftment initiatives.
Ministries in the Greater Body of Christ

Ons het jou hulp nodig in hierdie areas.
- NOOI iemand saam na ‘n huiskerk, of feesdiens samekoms!
- SHARE ons AANLYN INHOUD met jou familie en vriende – Spread the Word
- Word ‘n HUISKERK LEIER – Ons huiskerke sentreer rondom Nagmaal, en elkeen kry ‘n beurt om ‘n woord of getuienis daaromtrent te deel, daarna bedien ons merkaar, word ‘n familie van vriende deur ons omgee en liefde vir mekaar.
- Vorm ‘n KOM-KYK-SAAM Groep – Ons het veelvoudige video materiaal, met die gepaardgaande notas. Nooi ‘n paar vriende en kyk die dienste saam.
- MENTOR iemand, of word deur iemand gementor.
- LEI ‘n BEDIENING of ONDERSTEUN ‘n BEDIENING – Soos hierbo kan sien, is daar vele bedieninge om te ondersteun, volgens jou bepaalde PASSIE en FOKUS.
- BEDIENING SPAN – Tydens ons dienste bid ons gereeld vir die siekes, en vir mense om gevul te word met die Heilige Gees. Ons LEI mense op om deel te wees van ons Geestelike span, vra gerus enige iemand in Leierskap.
- KLANK BANK BEHEER – Ons benodig iemand wat ‘n belangstelling het in Klank Audio Opnames, ons is bereid om te help met professionele opleiding en Mentorskap.
- AMBAGSMANNE – Ons het maar soos enige gemeente in al ons projekte gedurige instandhouding om te doen.
- Meld aan om MENSE TE BERAAD – Soms het mense net iemand nodig wat sal luister. Ons doen IN-HUIS opleiding, met VOORGESKRYFDE BOEKE vir mense wat ‘n EEN-TOT-EEN bediening het.
- RAAK betrokke in enige FORMELE ORGANISASIE in jou dorp, of gemeenskap. Skoolbeheerraad, Inwonersvereniging, Sakekamer, Toerisme, BADISA, Kliniek, Hospitaal, Boerevereniging, Gemeenskap Polisiërings Forum.
- Daar is verskeie VOEDSEL HULP voorsiening projekte in jou dorp aan die gang, raak betrokke!
- Gaan op ‘n SENDING besoek. Ons reik uit na Uganda, maar daar is van ons lidmate wat betrokke is in Angola, en Mosambiek.
- In watter area het die Here jou gesond gemaak? BIED daardie GENESINGSREIS vir ander aan.