Chapter 5 - Sexual Revolution Q&A (the Culture War)

As we engage more in the battle of conflicting thoughts and ideas about sexuality, we cannot escape the reality of what these ideas eventually accomplish when it becomes a lifestyle. Thoughts do not remain thoughts; they become arguments raised against the knowledge of God and finally become strongholds. These strongholds become decisions, habits, and lifestyles that have huge ramifications!!
What is the origin of the “gay rights” movement, and how has it managed to gain such widespread influence in the World? The answers lie within the process of justifying sexual behaviours that were once deemed inappropriate. The force behind rationalization—where wrong is mentally transformed into right—fuels the momentum of the gay rights movement, giving it a revolutionary essence and propelling its advocates with unwavering determination.
The big illusion: The concerted endeavour by gay rights activists, notably prominent in the realms of media and cinema, is presenting an image of themselves as joyful, prosperous, exceptional, affectionate, benevolent, and virtuous. This is a man-made illusion masking the underlying anguish and distress endured by a significant number within this movement. Beneath this portrayal lie real-life occurrences of continual unfaithfulness, the prevalence of HIV-AIDS, dishonesty, self-centeredness, dependency on alcohol and substances, instances of sexual assault, widespread promiscuity, excessive self-regard, an obsession with flawlessness, a propensity for seeking attention, and enduring emotional wounds.
Years ago, when I was counselling and supporting the first gay man, the Lord revealed to me the three legs of sexual morality stands on:
Self-Justification – pride the cover-up of hidden shame
Narcissism – Self-Interest and glorification of victimhood/
Seduction – Lust
This man agreed and told me stories of what is really going on within the homosexual community. Lesbians tend to be more supportive and loving towards one another, nurturing the hurt, alienated, and disenfranchised in their family until you disagree and choose to detransform! Then you have committed the unpardonable sin.
Thus, we must realize we are dealing with people’s LIVES! Every life is valuable to God! He loves each person!!
Gender dysphoria
How do we reconcile “As Christians we should abhor homophobia and have a zero-tolerance policy towards any forms of discrimination” and the Bible’s instruction to “Abhor what is evil. Cling to what is good” (Rom 12:9; Ps 34:14) Abstain from every form of evil. (1 Thessalonians 5:22) Abstain from evil [shrink from it and keep aloof from it] in whatever form or whatever kind it may be. (Amplified Bible)
It is generally accepted that trans people and people, particularly children struggling with gender dysphoria, are twice as likely to try to commit suicide. Anyone who has begun transitioning from one gender to another will share daily interactions and negative experiences of either open or indirect homophobia. How should we, as believers, help and support these people?
The phrase: “God loves the sinner, not the sin” has become more of an insult; losing any entrance to the person’s heart. On this topic Peter Kreeft remarks thoughtfully: “Our love should be more authentic, more consistent, more meaningful, more nourishing than what these people are experiencing at the time. We win this war through Godly LOVE!
Gay Activist’ criticism that the Bible has not so much (volume of scriptures) condemning homosexuality proves that God is actually not so much against it. So, what is God’s heart on this matter? We must look at the whole spirit of scripture, even what is not said. Sexuality is seen as private; hence, the instructions towards modesty and chastity. Our sexuality is not seen as the primary axis of our human existence. The condition of the heart determines you. Sexual immorality is seen as a sin against your own body. (1 Cor 6:18)
Jesus also did not make a public condemnation specifically against homosexuals, except against all sexual immorality and any sexual intentions outside of marriage. Even only lustful thoughts. We can hence conclude that we also should deal with these matters privately and on a personal level. There is no use in publicly campaigning these matters; Jesus is always focused on the individual’s heart.
Let’s look at 3 stories in the Bible on how to deal with good people missing the mark.
- Nathan and David
- Jesus and the Samaritan Women
- Jesus and the women who were caught in adultery.
From these stories, we see the fullness of God’s redemptive power at work. Clever, shrewd disarmament of the heart’s defences. The use of the gifts of the spirit, like words of knowledge, wisdom, and discerning of spirits. No condemnation or judgment, but sincere concern and empathy for the person’s heart before God. From these biblical examples we see that each per