Made for His Presence

60:1 glory, chabod (kah-vohd); Strong’s #3519: Weightiness; that which is substantial or heavy; glory, honor, splendor, power, wealth, authority, magnificence, fame, dignity, riches, and excellency. The root of chabod is chabad, “to be heavy, glorious, notable,” or “to be renowned.” In the OT, “heaviness” represented honor and substance, while “lightness” was equated with vanity, instability, temporariness, and emptiness (see Judg. 9:4; Zeph. 3:4). Chabod is God’s glory, not only His honor, renown, and majesty, but also His visible splendor, which filled Solomon’s temple and will someday fill the Earth (1 Kin. 8:11; Num. 14:21). From chabod are derived the names “Jochebed” (“Yahweh Is Glory”) and Ichabod (“Where Is the Glory?”). Hayford, J. W. (Ed.). (1997). Spirit filled life study Bible (electronic ed., Is 59:21). Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson.
We have all been in a meeting where you suddenly feel a presence, a heaviness as God manifest His presence to our senses. This experience is God’s manifested presence, where He allow us to feel Him through our senses. On the other hand, God is omnipresent. Everything has been created through Him, and for Him. Colossians 1:17 But God cannot be contained in Creation Deuteronomy 4:39 Nor can He be contained in our Cathedrals and Church Buildings. 1 Kgs 8:27; 2 Chr 2:6; Ps 139; Isa 66:1. He Holds everything created together by His Word. Ps. 33:6; John 1:3; 2 Pet. 3:5.
This truth is a sobering realization. God is always present, and He is always there. The fact that you do not feel him or sense Him, does not mean He is not there. Jacob also did not initially recognize God’s Presence. Genesis 28:16 When Adam & Eve sinned, God knew yet He continued to come and meet them in the evening as usual. The fact is, they moved. This is the reason why God asked: “Adam where are you?” God has not moved, sin moved man away. Asking the question: “Where is God?” is like asking where is the Earth? Or “Where is the Sun?”? The fact that you haven’t seen the earth from a satellite or spaceship perspective does not mean it is not there. God is the suffering God, that although not bound or contained by Creation, allow Himself to feel the groanings of Creation. Rom 8:21
The Bible is man’s narrative with a God that is present, and the different ways He makes Himself known to man. We were made for His presence, Gen 1:24; 28. His presence is the homecoming all mankind is seeking. In His presence we find ourselves, we get healed and restored, and we find real peace. In His presence, we find rest for our souls. Man’s strange attraction to psychedelic drugs is a clear sign of our inward desire to be raptured to a place of peace and rest. The word Shekinah Glory has this meaning to be raptured into a state of ecstasy.
Gen 3:21 God slaughtered the first kind of sacrifice by killing an innocent animal to make clothes covering their sin/shamed/nakedness. Even right here at the opening of the Story, God shows his heart and intent of one day slaughtering His own Son for our sins.
Why was Cain’s gift not excepted? What’s wrong with you? Why do you look so angry? If you had done the right thing, you would be smiling. But you did the wrong thing, and now sin is waiting to attack you like a lion. Sin wants to destroy you, but don’t let it!”
Genesis 4:6-7 CEV What did he do wrong? By faith Abel offered to God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain Heb 11:4 By Faith Abel saw or understood that God wanted the Firstfruits of his herd, slaughtered. God is not impressed with what we can do for Him, He wants to do great things through us, if we are willing to listen and obey. Cain trusted in his own ability and wanted to show-off! Abel obeyed what he heard in His heart.
From hear on the Bible story continues and we see individual appearances and encounters.
Ex. 3:5 – God appearing to Moses – Holy Ground
Exo 33:15-16 Moses see God face to face.
Exo 40:34-40 – The fire column at night and the cloud in the day. The moved after the presence
Moses – Exodus 40:34–35 – cloud filled the Temple – Salomon – 2 Chron. 5:13–14
As the Story unfold God’s intend is becoming clearer.
Lev. 26:12 God wants to walk among His people.
Ex. 25:8–9 – God’s presence located in the temple.
1 Chron 13 – Uzza dies trying to save the Ark from falling. In Verse 1 David’s mistakes is made evident. He consulted with the captains of thousands and hundreds, and with every leader… After the tragedy he too had to first consult God, on the procedure. 12 David was afraid of God that day, saying, “How can I bring the ark of God to me?” In 1 Chron 15:2 David consulted God’s Word on instructions how to move the Ark. Man’s effort to try to contain or control God’s presence become withcraft! No one method works every time. We need to get to know God, find out what He wants, and then by faith obey. This is why Jesus never did any miracle in the same way. There is no methods. There is no “Glory” recipe. God will not allow us to demand and control Him. Sometimes people begin to worship the method. Worship the temple. Worship the worship! God is a relational God. Our sacrifices and worship become unbearable for Him to listen to because there is no faith and no heart in it.
1 Sam. 4:21 – Ichabod – Eventually the glory departed
The Prophets prophesied what is to come – Ezek. 47:9; Ezek. 37:26–28
1Ki 8:27 pp 2Ch 6:18 See also 2Ch 2:6; Isa 66:2-3 God never wanted our buildings, He wanted to live in a man and a woman, whose heart is upright and contrite.
JESUS became the full manifestation of His presence – Kingdom is near.
John 1:1–4, 14 – Jesus became God’s presence in the flesh (Matt. 1:22–23; cf. Isa. 7:14) “Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am, and to see my glory, the glory you have given me because you loved me before the creation of the world” (John 17:24).
Jesus bought us the right to passage by a new and living way. To enter with boldness. Heb 4:14-26 & Heb 10:19-21.
Acts 2:1-2 Poured out on all flesh
It is to your advantage that I go John 16:6-10
The Baptism of the HS is the final part of the process where God finally finds his Earthly habitation in His people!
The presence lives in us:
–1 Corinthians 3:16; 1Corinthians 6:19 (we are God’s habitation)
David longed for this reality – Ps 27:4
God’s glory revealed through the church
2Co 3:18 See also Eph 1:12; 3:21; 1Pe 4:14;
Especially when we operate in the gifts of the Spirit – 1Co 14:25
Indwelling habitation
Jn 14:18; Eph 2:22; 1Jn 3:24
By the Spirit we see Him, like John – the revelation of Jesus
–Revelation 1:16–18 (awesomeness of the one who was John’s close personal friend)
In Death we will be unshackled totally from sin to be eternally in His presence.
–Psalm 23:4 (God with us is reason not to fear)
–Revelation 21:3–4 (dwelling in the presence)
Matt 18:20 – when two or three are gathered in His name (corporate Presence)
Encounters are the introduction to His person, like Paul on the road to Damascus Acts 9. We should all have some kind of encounter with God, where He becomes a reality to you. This is the basis of Apostolic Ministry: we have seen Him with our own eyes 1 Joh 1:1-2. But this encounter or visitation is for the intend to dwell, find a home in us. “If you search for His visitation you miss His Habitation” JHK
“To have found God and still to pursue Him is the souls paradox of Love.” Todd Atkins
The greatest gift we can give someone is your presence. Be there for them. This is why we do not want to give Christmas Gifts to the Children at Riverview at the end of the year anymore. They need your presence. We give them meals every day, but they need a caring teacher who knows them.
In the Church, this presence does not have to be physical only. “For I indeed, as absent in body but present in spirit” 1 Cor 5:3 We have a presence in one another together as a body. This UNITY is a great mystery and wonderful revelation. Col 1:27 Christ in / Among you the hope of Glory.