Rediscover Our Healing Mandate

Why HRCO Does What We Do?
What is the foundational motive that drives us to do what we do?
I want to suggest it’s HEALING!
Michael Jr, the famous comedian says: “Give a man a fish and you have fed him for a day, teach a man how to catch fish and feed him for a lifetime.” According to Michael this is quite complicated, because then you have to have a fishing rod , license, boat and a place where fish are, to be able to teach the man. So what if you teach him why he needs fishing, that makes it his job to teach himself? Michael Jr’s ‘ Why ‘ is to inspire people through humor to live their creation goal. Since he discovered his ‘why’, the ‘what’ he does is no longer so important, because everything flows from his ‘why’.[1]
Simon Sinek explains a simple, yet powerful model for how leaders inspire action, on the basis of a golden circle and the question “Why?” as the core point. His examples include Apple, Martin Luther King and the Wright brothers, and as a counterpoint, Tivo, who struggles.
The Golden Circle’s core is: Why?; How?; And then What? The above three examples of business enterprises are individuals who market themselves and are driven from the core “why”. Apple always markets themselves first as innovators who have produced among others, computers. According to Simon, the “Why” we do things is the most basic ingredient that we present to each other. We are obviously grouping around people with the same “why”.[2]
This brings me to the core question about our congregation: Why do we exist? The answer came suddenly one day in my spirit, and suddenly everything fell into place. As an adopted 13-year-old son, my quest for acceptance became an identity. With my encounter with Jesus 35 years ago, He took me on a journey to discover His identity. The more I get to know Him, and do as He leads, the more I discover my true identity. Since then, I have experienced healing as a person in so many levels and have begun to strive to make the world a healed place ~ healthy people, relationships, communities, workplaces, and economy.
In 1989 I saw Dr Andre Pelser perform “Miracle Man” ~ a one-man stage production based on the conduct of John G Lake’s life. I was deeply stirred and inspired to seek healing for the entire human being. Nearly ten years later, in 1998 I became part of Harvester, and increasingly began to see God heal people completely in spirit, soul and body.
Jesus heals and recovers first our broken relationship with God. Then He takes us on a journey of self-denial, to renew our minds by His word. As a result, we treat people differently, and He teaches us to walk in peace with all people, without compromise.
By making ourselves accountable to His family – the Body, the congregation challenges our behavior.
Ultimately, we each find our function in the Body, and we become His instruments of healing, while still maintaining healing in us.
For several years, the Holy Spirit has led us to make Jesus Christ our vision and mission. In 2019 we focused on an awakening to His righteousness. Systematically, the Lord led us deeper and deeper to discover His great “why.” Jesus is our focus, but why Jesus? Why did Jesus become man, die for our sins, rise from the dead – all wrought for our salvation? The answer is now obvious.
Jesus wants to heal, reconcile, repair, restore, reshape, liberate and enable us to live His creation purpose to the fullest.
A tree was made to bear healthy fruit. Likewise, God created man in His image to bear divine good fruit. Sin has malformed us, to sow destruction. Because of man’s disobedience and mistaken identity, our World has become more and more broken. Sickness, infirmity, pain, discomfort, and their restrictions prevent us from being able to live God’s creation goal. Our cry is therefore for healing! We are all looking for sustainable, real, profound, complete healing!
Illness is an obstruction, inhibition or limiting of our natural capabilities. A healthy baby has a definite functionality regarding movement, abilities, and intellect. Illness or disease puts a limit on this functionality. This is why Jesus said: The Kingdom belongs to a child. (Mark 10:15) A child is innocent, uninhibited, free, love easily, forgives quickly, playful, innovative, appetite to learn new things, non-judgmental, and dependent. We often say when a baby is born: ‘it’s perfect!’
Why are we sick? What makes us sick?
There are many libraries filled with information about the causes of disease. I only mention a few: some diseases have a genetic cause or are virally transferable, and thus exist due to external causes. Psychologists suggest that 85% of all diseases have an emotional, psychosomatic cause. Lifestyle choices, in terms of diet and exercise also play a huge role in regard to our overall health. In addition, a misrelated identity, and consequential convictions, can lead our worldview into dramatic constraints. Sin is disobedience to God, to decide against His will, and rather do your own thing leads to death and distraction. People living outside of His design, instructions, laws will never find complete health and wholeness.
Dr Paul Carlin developed the “belief therapy” program after twenty year’s work in a Texas prison, because he said: “People do what they do because they believe what they believe”. Ultimately, these beliefs become a religious tradition, and a culture that keeps people stuck, limiting them to never reach their natural potential. Think how in certain religions, how the role of the woman and the child is still marginalized.
Right now, we are experiencing a radical information revolution. There are 3.5 billion Google searches per day. About 1.3 billion people are registered on YouTube, uploading nearly 300 hours of video per minute. Most of these searches and information are directed around health and self-improvement. There are currently more than 250000 apps available to monitor your health. New Smart Watches measure all kinds of aspects of your physical health: sleep patterns, heart rate, blood pressure, sugar levels, and heart rhythm ~ information that can help your doctor make a more accurate diagnosis. New online websites like ‘Hello Dr’ can bring you into instant contact with medical professional’s advice.[3]
People are therefore physically healthier. People are generally living longer! But how healthy are we really? While we are being healed of one thing, we are getting sick again of something else. Health is, however, not merely a physical aspect. We are all becoming older, and so our bodies are not functioning optimally. When you speak with the caregivers in old age homes, they will soon say to you: “difficult youngsters become dramatically more difficult old people.” Health also cannot become a selfish looking-out-for-myself-only survival attitude. Healthy people also need to use their healthy lives to heal others.
That total human being consists of:
- Spirit — connection, consciousness.
- Emotions – feelings.
- Intellect – thought patterns, values, worldview.
- Behavior – habits.
- Social interaction – relationships.
- Physically – physiologically.
- Identity – the Self- the I.
In our journey with Jesus we discovered that health is not only the healing of a specific physical illness or condition, but a complete comprehensive healthy lifestyle of the total human being.
Thousands of hours’ diets, supplements, wonder agents, therapy and operations may be effective, but they all only deal with one aspect of our health. You can physically be 100% healthy but emotionally battered due to broken relationships. You can be a good person, with countless achievements and still feel something missing in your life because you haven’t yet made peace with God. You can physically be healthy, intellectually brilliant, but if you are still broken within yourself, egoistic, self-directed, selfish and on a quest for self-determination, you are miserable and regressing. Think about the self-centeredness of a Hitler, and a yoga guru like Bikram Choudhury who deceived their followers.
Jesus is Our Healing
Total healing is to be found only in Jesus Christ. Jesus is healing and health! When we awoke to the reality of His person, values, thinking, habits and way of living, we discovered the central core point of all medicine. Without Jesus there is not sustainable health and wellness. For, He does not only heal one aspect of our humanity. He stretches out His hand, asking us to follow Him. As we follow Him, doing what He says, we are responding to a life far healthier at every level, to help others to be healed. After all, there is no disease in heaven. Therefore, Jesus’ heart is His why, to see us healthy.
Becoming like Jesus is the key to a fulfilled and happy life. You will then be the best spouse, the best business leader, and the best worker for any business enterprise. You will also be the best friend and the best parent. The mature character, values, mindset, ethics, habits, attitude and lifestyle of Christ are like a standard, a pacesetter, a directional standard to live the perfect life. We are the most beautiful people when we live most like Christ. In other words, we are the best people if we are most like Him, if we do as He does right, follow His ethical and moral example, pursue His unspotted character and dedicate our lives to serving humanity. Living like Jesus is the best way of living! The Jesus-Life is a universal truth, a premise, a blueprint and basis for life. Christ is perfect, blameless, the right standard and median of morality.
In our journey with Jesus, we also discover His divine paradoxical values: justice and kindness, impartiality and respect for all people, non-reactionary creativity, revolutionary pacifism, servant leadership, supernatural humanity, separated team-player, and so much more!
The moment we receive His life and start living accordingly, everything changes. Our relationships, thinking, work and lifestyle are healthy and healing to others.
Why does Supernatural Healing Have a Bad Name?
Any form of medicine has a certain success factor. Why does supernatural healing have such an irregular success factor? Why do only some churches and ministries have reasonable success? How enduring is this success? Someone who is sick is desperate for a solution, for any reasonable chance, even is satisfied with a 50/50 outcome that will give a desperate sufferer new hope. But a form of medicine with such a poor success, will and must be rejected. Even natural medications have a much more significant conversion factor. To pray for people for healing and describe it as God’s love is problematic, because why are some healthy and others not?
The question is not whether God heals people, but rather why He does not heal everyone.
From various questionnaires, most people, as well as doctors believe that prayer is beneficial to sick people. There are many recorded records of medically verifiable divine healings. The same question was asked of a panel of faith-based physicians and the answer was: to preserve the integrity and the heart of the gospel. Healing doesn’t happen to all but if there are healings, they never happen in the same way, nor by the same person. [4] The reason: when a certain person or method is 100% successful in healing every infirmity, humans will worship the person and the method and will capitalize the method without realizing the wonder and depth of God. It is also much easier for people to try any miracle-cure or remedy without the hard work of behavioral change. Often it is our very behavior that caused the disease.
To ascribe healing to our faith, or its failure is also problematic, because although faith has played a part in most healings, the Lord has healed some without any faith on their part. If faith alone is the solution, can’t we then just heal ourselves? Should we then also save ourselves too? Understand that salvation is a gift, and that our faith in God ultimately does work salvation. Yet there are many who truly believe, and truly are actively believing, and still have not received healing. Therefore, praying from the knowledge that God always wants to heal is truly difficult if it does not happen. So, why not? Is it Satan? Too little faith? Have you not kept the faith? We then have a problem. It brings little comfort, especially if you’ve mustered up all your faith praying for healing for someone you love. Although we believed, it didn’t work. Although we had compassion, it seemed not enough. Although we received promises from the Word and prophecy, it is not fulfilled. Where does this leave us?
Healing is inherent who God is, the Earth and creation has a self-healing ability. This is precisely the wonder of creation, the medicinal natural drugs that are locked up in nature. God created us to heal and be healthy. “For I am the Lord who heals you” (Exo 15:26) Jehovah-Rapha – The Lord Who Heals. (Psalm 103:3; Psalm 147:3; 1 Peter 2:24).
God is love, this means He is never not love. The same applies to Healing – God is the healer. This means, He is never not healing. Healing is part of who He is. Remember, we are not physically sick! Disease and illness are symptomatic not only regarding our bodies. Our economy is sick. We’re emotionally sick. We are relationally sick as a society. We are spiritually sick. The world is morally sick. Illness is symptomatic of an entire society that has been removed from God. If all of society serves the Lord, be true to be doing what He says, appropriating everything He has made available to us, and then as Jesus bringing wellness to all people around us, should there be any more illness?
Illness’ Origin:
- Sin:
- Wrong habits and behavior: Miriam (Num 12:10); Gehasi (2 Kings 5:27); Uzziah (2 Chron 26:16-23) and Elymas (Acts 13:11). “Then you will have healing for your body and strength for your bones.” (Prov 3:8 NOT).
- Your words: “The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences.” (Prov 18:21 NLT). “Kind words are like honey—sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.” (Prov 16:24 NLT)
- Unforgiveness ~ makes a person bitter and diseased, as if tortured. (1 Cor 11:28-30; Mat 6:21-35)
- Your thinking: “A peaceful heart leads to a healthy body; jealousy is like cancer in the bones. (Proverbs 14:30 – NLT). “A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person’s strength.” (Proverbs 17:22 – NLT)
- Not all sickness is due to sin. (Job 42:7-8)
- The Devil:
- Demons: Mat 17:18 to 9:25, 42; to 4:35; 4:39
- Oppressed by the Devil: “And you know that God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power. Then Jesus went around doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with him.” (Acts 10:38)
- Spirit of infirmity: Luke 13:11, 16
- The Lord, God is sovereign: “Look now; I myself am he! There is no other god but me. I am the one who kills and gives life; I am the one who wounds and heals; no one can be rescued from my powerful hand!”. (Deuteronomy 32:39), Gen 12:17, Ex 4:11, 15:25, 1 Sam 25; 37-38; 2 Sam 12:15, Deut 28:15-68, 32:39, 2 Chron 15:5, 2 Chron 21:18, 19, 26:20-2; Acts 12:22, 23; 13:8-12 as well as Job 5:18.
- Indirectly, by other people: A person can be infected by someone else through bacterial infections ~ a battle where innocent people become victims. Therefore, another person’s sin and transgression can sometimes be the cause of your sickness and disease.
- The fallen nature: “Yet what we suffer now is nothing compared to the glory he will reveal to us later. For all creation is waiting eagerly for that future day when God will reveal who his children really are. Against its will, all creation was subjected to God’s curse. But with eager hope, the creation looks forward to the day when it will join God’s children in glorious freedom from death and decay. For we know that all creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time.” (Romans 8:18-22 NLT). Heat waves, plagues, drought, Tsunamis, etc. Sometimes life just happens like breaking an arm by stumbling and falling.
Although it is important to know the cause of illness, the more important question is how do I become healthy? Ultimately, it is by God’s heart that we will live healthily (Deut. 11:26).
What is God’s Heart for Healing?
Ever wondered why Jesus often had a firm admonishment to people not to tell of their healing? Was it not the point, that all would believe in Him?
Jesus never did any healing in the same way, but for Him healing was more than simply the healing of the symptoms. He always wanted to heal the root cause, and the whole man. This is why the leper man was asked to go to the priest, so that the quarantine could be lifted, and he was allowed again to be part of the community. “Large crowds followed Jesus as he came down the mountainside. Suddenly, a man with leprosy approached him and knelt before him. “Lord,” the man said, “if you are willing, you can heal me and make me clean. Jesus reached out and touched him. “I am willing,” he said. “Be healed!” And instantly the leprosy disappeared. Then Jesus said to him, “Don’t tell anyone about this. Instead, go to the priest and let him examine you. Take along the offering required in the law of Moses for those who have been healed of leprosy. This will be a public testimony that you have been cleansed.” (Matt 8:1-5)
“But Jesus knew what they were planning. So he left that area, and many people followed him. He healed all the sick among them, but he warned them not to reveal who he was.” (Matt 12:15-16). Here Jesus healed a crowd of people, yet He does not capitalize on the supernatural to draw even more people. It is clear as explained earlier: Jesus is not just a miracle guru, magician who heals all the sick! For then we would use Him to receive healing without the cause being revealed, the why we became ill in the first place.
Jesus asked His disciples; “who do you say I am?” After Peter declared openly, admitting that He is the Messiah, they were commanded not to tell anybody about it! Is it not the goal that people will know He is the Messiah? That’s what salvation is all about, that every man will believe He is the Christ? “Then Jesus instructed his disciples to tell no one that he is the Christ.” (Matt 16:20). Isn’t this an ever- deepening mystery! The principle is this: Jesus doesn’t just want us to only worship him! He wants us to follow Him. It is our obedient pursuit of the person Jesus Christ, who brings healing to the total human being.
Jesus’ transfiguration on the mount is a sheer proof of His divinity. People are natural doubters. Why just allow a few disciples to experience it? Would the Pharisees, and all His enemies not come to repentance, if they saw for themselves what was happening there? “As they went back down the mountain, Jesus commanded them, “Don’t tell anyone what you have seen until the Son of Man has been raised from the dead.” (Matt 17:9). Jesus did not capitalize on the moment of His divine transfiguration and disclosure to man. Think of people who have been together in places of divine phenomena throughout the centuries, worshiping the phenomenon like robots.
One of the most spectacular miracles Jesus did was the healing of the deaf and dumb man. The man not only received society’s reintegration, but God restored his speech in one moment. If someone’s hearing would be healed, it would take a speech therapist months to help the person speak correctly. “Instantly the man could hear perfectly, and his tongue was freed so he could speak plainly! Jesus told the crowd not to tell anyone, but the more he told them not to, the more they spread the news.” (Mark 7:36). Here is one of the most spectacular miracles, one which if happened today would bring about through today’s marketing techniques, undeniable evidence ensuring a faithful following. Yet Jesus did this miracle in privacy.
Many people wondered about Jesus, but the demons knew exactly who He was. Is there no greater evidence of His ministry and authenticity than the demons recognizing him? “But Jesus reprimanded him. “Be quiet! Come out of the man,” he ordered.” (Mark 1:25 – NLT). Yet He did not allow them to speak.
Jesus took the blind man by the hand and led him out of the village. The healing transpired in secret, and then again “barred from telling it to someone else.” (Mark 8:26, 30)
The authenticity of the Gospel writers’ testimony is the seemingly useless information that is not omitted. The fact that Jesus instructs them to give the child something to eat, has seemingly no purpose. Yet it makes the stories, genuine and credible. Once again a perfect opportunity to convince people. Jesus is not using an extravaganza to impress people. Her parents were dumb with astonishment, and Jesus forbid them to tell someone what had happened. (Luke 8:56)
The climax of Jesus’ popularity is when He multiplies the food to the crowd. When the people saw the miracle sign Jesus did, they said: “He is truly the prophet, the one who had to come to the world.” When Jesus saw that they would come to make him king with violence, he went on to the mountain, he alone.” (John 6:14-15)
Again, Jesus is fleeing the elevation of people, the worship of men. He wants to make us aware that there is something deeper than healing, miracles, and food supply. All of these things are temporary, but there’s more that God wants to give us. These signs and wonders are just that, signs. It is like road signs, direction givers to a greater reality. Miracles are indeed important. “And my message and my preaching were very plain. Rather than using clever and persuasive speeches, I relied only on the power of the Holy Spirit. I did this so you would trust not in human wisdom but in the power of God.” (1 Cor 2:4-5- NLT)
What is the greater reality that Jesus wanted them to see? Jesus said to them: “Jesus replied, “I tell you the truth, you want to be with me because I fed you, not because you understood the miraculous signs. But don’t be so concerned about perishable things like food. Spend your energy seeking the eternal life that the Son of Man can give you. For God the Father has given me the seal of his approval.” They replied, “We want to perform God’s works, too. What should we do?” Jesus told them, “This is the only work God wants from you: Believe in the one he has sent.” (John 6:26-29) Jesus is the gift of healing, not only the event of healing. So, if I receive Jesus, I am healthy because I know the Doctor!
“He said, “If you will listen carefully to the voice of the Lord your God and do what is right in his sight, obeying his commands and keeping all his decrees, then I will not make you suffer any of the diseases I sent on the Egyptians; for I am the Lord who heals you.” (Exodus 15:26).
Jesus wants to restore, heal, reformat, reshape and reconcile us to our creation purpose: to represent God, the divine, the good; uplifting, positive and fruitful. Worshippers who have been worshipping to encounter a divine phenomenon have not yet realized their own divine-expressing purpose in God. They wait and beg for a miracle from above. They don’t realize the miracle is Christ, that He will come to dwell in us, and do so by the miracle of His living and doing right in us.
The healing Christ who is working in us is also more than just the physical healing. He wants to heal our entire humanity. He wants God’s creation purpose for us, in our restoration process. “For God knew his people in advance, and he chose them to become like his Son, so that his Son would be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters.” (Romans 8:29 – NLT). In all these stories where Jesus admonished people not to tell of the healings for they were amazed and impressed with Jesus. So, they wanted to worship Him, but He disallowed it. He seeks more than our worship; He seeks our faith-filled obedience!
There are two accounts where Jesus was impressed: the one was the healing of the officer’s slave (Mat 8:5-13; Lk. 7:1-10; John. 4:43-54). This man also came to seek healing from Jesus, but when he saw Him, he greeted Him as Lord ~ he saw Jesus as a man with authority like him. So, he asked Jesus to only say the word. Jesus’ response was: “When Jesus heard this, he was amazed. Turning to those who were following him, he said, “I tell you the truth, I haven’t seen faith like this in all Israel! And I tell you this, that many Gentiles will come from all over the world—from east and west—and sit down with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob at the feast in the Kingdom of Heaven. But many Israelites—those for whom the Kingdom was prepared—will be thrown into outer darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. (Matt 8:10-12)
Read this verse thoroughly. Jesus is making a historical, watershed statement! “…many Gentiles will come from all over the world—from east and west—and sit down with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob at the feast in the Kingdom of Heaven…” God rejects the religious establishment of the day, favoring people who rightfully see Him. For those who see Him, truly see! People of every nation and language who sees Jesus for who He really is, who don’t just see Him as an “architype”, an impersonal machine makes people healthy.
The other story is of the Canaanite woman who Jesus initially refused to help. “Dear woman,” Jesus said to her, “your faith is great. Your request is granted.” And her daughter was instantly healed.” (Mat 15:28). She didn’t accept Jesus’ refusal, and continued to believe.
We see that Jesus also wanted His disciples to really see Him, understand Him. Isn’t this the quest of any teacher, leader, or predecessor? Some people are there only for the money, the fame, the position, the healing, the miracle. Jesus finally wanted them to do what He was doing. They had to perform miracles just as He did in faith. (Luke 10:19; Mat 10:8)
Three miracles where Jesus shows His frustration of disciples that do not see:
- Jesus calming the storm. “Why are you afraid? Have ye not faith? “ (Mark 4:40)
- The multiplication of the bread. “You give them something to eat.” (Mark 6:37)
- Peter is the first disciple to understand / see. Then Peter said to him: “Lord, if it really is you, command me to come to you on the water.” “Come!” he said. (Mat 14:28-29) Yet he quickly began to doubt when he looked at the waves. Immediately, Jesus stretched out his hand, grabbed him, and said to him, “Little, why did you begin to doubt?” (Mat 14:31)
“The purpose of Jesus is not only to save men from their sins, but by the grace of God to begin in the souls of men that marvelous development in the nature and mind and understanding of God our Father, until by the grace of God we are able to take our place and our part in the kingdom of Jesus Christ and bear our share of responsibility.”
― John G. Lake,
The Healthiest People Believe Right
“But he who doubts is condemned if he eats, because he does not eat from faith; for whatever is not from faith is sin.”(Rom. 14:23) “But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.” (Heb. 11:6) How many of our decisions, choices, habits, are grounded in our convictions? How we see the products we buy? Why do we buy them? Where we live, and work is all grounded in what we believe about ourselves, God and the future.
Jesus became man, physically demonstrated by what He preached, and finally died for our sin, to reconcile us to God. He rose from the dead, ascended and sat down at the right hand of God, and when the Holy Spirit was sent, He was to reign in us!
What are we waiting for? What more on earth does God have to do? He has accomplished everything for us to be in Him, it is through His grace that we are empowered to live through Christ in every place He calls us!
So, if we see right, really see, we see what He did, who He is! If we believe it, with conviction, we suddenly see the world in a whole different light. While we continue to do exactly what He commands us to do, this life changes completely for us. We will have an entirely opposite perspective and have a new attitude toward life, things and people! We are healed, in body, soul and spirit.
Jesus Cures the Entire Man
John G. Lake believed that Jesus’ healing work is threefold:
(1) He frees us from evil, so that we may be spiritually healthy, and full of the Holy Ghost. We communicate and experience connectedness with God through our spirit.
(2) The Lord heals our soul and so our connection with people. Because we have made peace with God, the Lord heals our soul. Our soul is how we are connected with mankind around us.
(3) Soul-peace and peace with self and the people around me is healing!
Jesus was always holistically concerned about all human beings and not just the symptoms of disease. He often first handled the spiritual aspects. His conversation with the Samaritan woman at the well, focused on the basic conflicts in her personality. For Jesus, health is more than just the absence of physical and mental illnesses — it is about the entire person.
God wants to heal us, but more: He wants us to heal others through our being healed! “Along the bank of the river, on this side and that, will grow all kinds of trees used for food; their leaves will not wither, and their fruit will not fail. They will bear fruit every month, because their water flows from the sanctuary. Their fruit will be for food, and their leaves for medicine.” (Ez. 47:12)
“I said, “Lord, be merciful to me; Heal my soul, for I have sinned against You.” (Ps. 41:4)
Jesus Heals in Different Ways
God not only cares about the healing of our bodies. He also wants us to learn an authentic, healthy lifestyle. You yourself is responsible for your health:
- Confess your sin (James 5:16)
- Elders anoint with oil (James 5:14-15)
- Doctors are for the sick (Mat 9:12; Mark 2:17; Luke 5:31) is referred to Luke as the “beloved Healer” (Col 4:14)
- Medical care: The compassionate Samaritan connects with the man and anoints his wounds. (Luke 10:33 – 34)
- Alternative medicine: “Use a little wine for the stomach’s sake and your frequent infirmities.” (1 Timothy 5:23)
- Our presence brings healing: The leaves of the tree are for the healing of the Nations (Revelation 22:2; Psalm 1:2-3; Eze 47:12; Jeremiah 17:8)
- The Word of God heals. (Luk 4:4)
- When Jesus saw their faith (Mar 2:5; Mat 9:29a)
- Forgiveness (Mat 18:34-35)
- Associate by the sacrament of His suffering (1 Cor. 11:28–30)
- Praise: “Let all that I am praise the Lord; with my whole heart, I will praise his holy name. Let all that I am praise the Lord; may I never forget the good things he does for me. He forgives all my sins and heals all my diseases.”(Psalm 103:1 – 3 – NLT)
- Cloths and hankies were anointed (Acts 19:11-12)
- Laying on of Hands (Mar 6:5, 13; 16:15, 17–18)
- Casting out Devils (Mar 9:14-29; Matt. 17:14-20; Lk. 9:37-43)
- Serve the Lord and avoid what is evil: “Then you will have healing for your body and strength for your bones.”(Proverbs 3:8)
The Conclusion is: Christ is Health.
When we are most like Jesus, we are the healthiest people on the planet!
It is also possible to live a healthy life:
- When my relationship with God, self, people and nature is healthy and holy.
- When I regularly exercise, sleep well, and follow a balanced healthy diet.
- When my work is healing and in harmony with nature.
- When my thinking is like a garden, what I plant determines my decisions, how I think, and how I live.
- When I help, give and serve others.
- When I become like a child, having healthy fun is a miracle cure!
- When I am hospitable to prepare wonderful meals for others.
- When I become a peacemaker working reconciliation among people.
God’s Gift of Healing to The Nations is His Healed Church

We believe church has something to do with a healing garden, the restoration of Eden. Everything we do, in sacred diversity, complex simplicity, interdependence, creates a healing habitat, where people can be healed on every level.
The Bible gives us no time indicative of exactly when believers have come together. We regularly read about ‘ daily ‘, ‘ first day of the week ‘, communal meals. That is to say: Church-be happening on the side! We like to be together! We enjoy each other’s company, and to become profound spirit Fellows in our relationships! We therefore hold several gatherings, for children, adults, men, women, all-over, for Afrikaans but also English people, for old people and young people, for business people and farmers, for all who are in a married day! The list just goes on and on!
We hold all kinds of gatherings for all kinds of people, so that everyone can discover and learn Jesus to follow him!
Meeting Elements:
- Our meetings focus on scripture based, doctrinal balanced, accurate Jesus-centered preaching.
- Our meetings are spiritual, but space is given for spiritual and supernatural events, where we pray for the sick and lay hands on, and cast out devils, and flourish in the application of the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
- Our meetings focus on praise and worship that pleases God.
- Our meetings make room for testimonies, mutual constructive inputs.
- Our meetings have participation as part of our nature.
- Our meetings are surprising, relevant, and creative.
- We make room in our meetings for prayer, meditation, and listening to what God wants to say.
- We commemorate the Lord’s sacrament as often as we can.
- We regularly offer people the opportunity to give as the Lord lays it on their hearts.

We believe in great gatherings that impact, but also in relationships that grow deeper not only in the small group. Our home groups must be close enough so that there can be real support in times of need. Therefore, we want to offer house churches in every town in the Olifantsvallei and Matsikamma surroundings. The house church is your spiritual family, caring group. Here is where we learn to develop our spiritual gifts. Discipleship, accountability, and discipline happen in the loving intimacy of the smaller family.
Home Group Leaders:
- Jan & Celna Genis (Clanwilliam)
- Audrey & Dave Botes (Clanwilliam)
- Dirkie & Lezel Mouton (Clanwilliam)
- Francois & Bertina Engelbrecht (Lamberts Bay)
- WP & Karien VD Merwe (Citrusdal)
- Louise Tolken (Citrusdal)
- Willie & Wena Botha (Graafwater)
- Benjamin & Anette Mouton (Jong Volwassenes)

“For as he thinketh in his soul, so is he.” (Proverbs 23:7). Jesus constantly confronted and challenged people’s ways of thinking. The word of God is a framework, and platform, a guideline to learn to think right and sober.
In a recent study done by the “Bible Engagement Centre” with 40000 people, it was found that people who study and read the Bible intently twice a week were remarkably healthier. Our “Miracle Bible Training Centre” curriculum is thus focused on working systematically through the Bible and understanding the Bible in the light of Christ. [5]
We also offer a wide range of practical subjects. The most important course that everyone in the congregation should go through in the beginning is the foundation course that focuses on the six-part foundational doctrines of Hebrews 6, including: Discerning God’s Voice, Praise & Worship, Prayer, Five-fold Ministry, Discipleship, and Offerings. The Bible School is not for some people. It is for everyone! This is because it is the primary method to work healing in people’s lives.
The goal is to get Bible/Word fit. Therefore, the Bible School is not only a one-way communication, there are assignments, question-and-answer time, and homework is involved so that everyone can understand the Word for him or herself.
We offer weekly various online subjects on a Monday evening via Facebook, Youtube or Zoom links.
Make an enquiry for links and times at for more information.

We offer specific apps to help people who own their own businesses, to organize their business so that the people who work there can also be healed by their work engagement!
Secondly, we also help the specific worker, to become a better worker, and in doing so also work on healing in the workplace. The expectation and perception of many people about work is that it is carnal, earthly, secular, opposite-to-spiritual, a punishment, and cursing. Yet when people retire and don’t have to work, they work more than ever! When we die, we say “rest in peace” as if the person is never going to work in eternity.
As we follow Jesus, He teaches us his way and principles to live. He grants us His grace, and works the fruit of the Spirit in our character. Our moral compass changes direction: Faithfulness, honesty, truth, integral, pay everyone’s due, be a good steward, etc. ~ the new work way. We begin to reign! Romans 5:17: “Reign in this life” ~ we overcome our weaknesses, bad habits, wrong temper, addictions. We interact with each other in the Body, to do business together, for each other.
While we work together, shady spots are revealed in all of us, things that do not honor the Lord are brought to light. For so many years in the church people have hidden their wrong lifestyle, because we can be one man in the church on Sundays, but Mondays in the workplace we are somebody else. For us, work is part of our worship.

The Jesus-life is simple: wait on the Lord and spend time in prayer, meditating with an open Bible, getting a revelation and instruction for your life, and then going walk it out.
Communion- Commission-Commission
Father-Son-Holy Spirit.
This means that everyone in the congregation has a divine calling to fulfill. That everyone knows what to do, not because they have been told by an organization to do it, we’re motivated and ratified by the Holy Spirit.
It also means practically making disciples. We multiply.
We give and share what we have received. The congregation therefore makes an impact on the culture of the community.
For each one functions and brings healing, restoration and reconciliation into the 5 primary government sectors: Government, economics, education, health, and Law & Order.
But we also make a difference by the merging catalysts such as: Sport, the arts, recreation etc.
We are salt and light! We bring healing and reconciliation to every nation, and ethos in our society where he sends us to.