The PEACE That God Gives

Only the products of the highest value are counterfeited. It takes skill and effort to produce a counterfeit. Professional counterfeiters are always looking out for the products that are in the highest demand so that they can reap the market benefits.
Counterfeit consumer goods (or counterfeit and fraudulent, suspect items – CFSI) are goods, often of inferior quality, made or sold under another’s brand name without the brand owner’s authorization. According to Forbes, in 2018 counterfeiting was the largest criminal enterprise in the world. [1]
The Devil Is Not a Creator; He is The Father of Lies
He specializes in counterfeiting! He has manufactured thousands of ‘same-same but different’ illusions of peace that do not last, nor does it have God’s authorization.
So, a childless mother seeks to fill the hole deep inside her soul by striving in every way to conceive. In the process, her husband becomes anxious and uneasy, and when she finally conceives and delivers the baby, much more is contended with like post-natal depression! A businessman strives to make his first million, and once he attains that financial success, he still feels empty and void. Athletes work hard to attain the highest achievement in their sport, and once they do receive the ultimate accolades, they enter into their middle-age and can no longer compete. People go on holiday to find peace and rest for their souls but return more exhausted.
Once a professor requested an appointment with me. He looked all distraught and weary. He resigned with bewildered eyes: “I have exhausted my intellect but cannot find peace.” I gently and firmly asked him, “Do you believe Jesus is?” I continued as he replied with a puzzling look. “No, I do not want to trick you; I simply want to know… yes, or no? Do you believe Jesus is?” He stared at the ground and finally locked tearful eyes on me. “Yes, I do” At that very moment, eternal peace flooded his soul, and he received salvation!
“We have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Rom 5:1
Peace: The Most Valuable Possession
The “trademark” and most valuable possession of a Christian is the peace that only Christ gives. Peace has been called a “pearl” in scripture and rightly so, for it is precious and smiles with soft, mild radiance bedecking the heart that wears it. It is, indeed, a “pearl of great price”—he that has it has more than riches. “If his peace is, in very deed, the true pearl, he who wears it in his breast is one of the favoured sons of God.” (Charles Spurgeon)
Jesus said that He would give us His peace, not the peace that the world gives.
Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. John 14:27
So what makes the peace He gives DIFFERENT?
1. He gives us Himself, His PRESENCE
Like an afraid and anxious child finds peace in the presence of their parents, so we find perfect peace in Him. He manifests His presence in three ways:
- The Revelation of His Word
- The power and joy in the Holy Spirit
- The fellowship of the Saints.
2. Seek Ye FIRST
The Bible speaks of a treasure one needs to seek. If you do not seek it or have a desire for it, you will never find it. This is why it is so difficult for the rich to receive the kingdom because they believe they do not need God. They are filled with false peace and comforts that stifle the soul’s hunger for the truth.
Seek first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and all things shall be added unto you. (Mat 6:33)
Seeking His kingdom first! This means always and continually seeking His kingdom and His will first. This is the default starting position for saints:
- What is God’s will?
- What is on His agenda,
- What do you want me to do, dear Lord?
The seeking-heart ultimately finds and discovers His righteousness. We receive His rightness or right standing with God (Rom 5:21). We receive His boldness to come into His presence and remain in Him! (Heb 10:19).
3. His peace is the Eternal “TRADEMARK“
His peace is the Eternal Trademark of His faith and hope, filling us deep within. You cannot fake this peace! It is not a feeling or emotion; it is a deep knowing that completes your consciousness of God within you, the “hope of glory” (Col 1:17).
You have an inner fearless confidence during trials, persecution and various troubles. Think of Daniel’s friends in the fiery furnace and Peter and Silas in prison!
4. His Peace is to be SHARED!
The false peace of the world cannot be duplicated. You need to pursue more and more of this false peace to continue to have the same ‘I feel good’ effect!
The peace that Jesus gives is like a dynamo; the more pressure you’re against, the more peace you have, not just for yourself but also for others. Think of Paul on a slave boat lost at sea for 14 days! (Acts 28:1–8) – He calmed everyone and provided a way of escape! Jesus calmed the storm (Luk 8:24-27).
Shalom is a Hebrew word meaning peace; harmony; wholeness; completeness; prosperity; welfare and tranquility. In Israel today, when you greet someone or say goodbye, you say, “Shalom”. You are literally saying, “may you be full of well-being” or, “may health and prosperity be upon you.” Peace is thus a blessing one bestows on others.
5. Peace is a way of DOING LIFE.
“To guide our feet into the way of peace.” Luke 1:79.
Years ago I missed my flight, but also caused my companion, Dr Brian Adam, to miss his flight on our route to Uganda. It was my responsibility, and I totally mixed up our boarding times. Now I had to pay for two new tickets! My heart raced, and I began to fret, but Dr Brian put his hand on my shoulder and said: “Brother, it is going to be okay; just keep your peace”. Peace was restored to my soul in an instant. I paid for the tickets by faith and waited four days for my suitcase. We ministered as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened! Supernatural faith gave me supernatural peace!
Jesus was never in a hurry; He even kept His peace during the trial of His immanent crucifixion! The way of the kingdom is the path of peace. We lose ourselves and suffer bruised egos over being disregarded or unvalidated. Yet, we seek to go last; we seek to wait; we do not strive or push to control; we forgive; we give. All these kingdom principles work towards lasting peace!
“Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law’; and a man’s enemies will be those of his own household.’ He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me. He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for My sake will find it. Mat 10:34-39
People find peace in their tribes: All over Africa, you will find that people would rather vote for someone from their own tribe than technically the best candidate. We trust in people of our own tribe. Oh, how great the disappointment of this senseless act!! Some Cultural norms and traditions keep people in bondage, thinking that among their own, they will have peace. History tells the sad reality of humankind’s blind obedience to blind leaders!
True peace is only in obedience to Jesus Christ first!! Then all these things shall be added unto you!
[1] “Meet The Man Fighting America’s Trade War Against Chinese Counterfeits (It’s Not Trump)”, Forbes, March 29, 2018