To Love JESUS More Than Anything

And you shall love the Lord your God out of and with your whole heart and out of and with all your soul (your life) and out of and with all your mind (with your faculty of thought and your moral understanding) and out of and with all your strength. This is the first and principal commandment. (Mark 12:30 from Deut. 6:4, 5) (AMPLIFIED BIBLE)
Jesus’ love is different from human carnal love in several profound ways:
1. Selflessness vs. Selfishness: Jesus’ love is selfless, whereas human carnal love often leans towards selfishness. Jesus demonstrated His selflessness by willingly sacrificing Himself for the salvation of humanity (John 3:16). In contrast, human love can be driven by personal desires and expectations.
2. Unconditional vs. Conditional: Jesus’ love is unconditional, extending to all people without any prerequisites. He loves us as we are, regardless of our flaws and mistakes. Human carnal love, on the other hand, tends to be conditional, often based on what someone can offer or how they meet our expectations.
3. Sacrifice vs. Convenience: Jesus’ love involves sacrificial giving, even to the point of laying down His life for others. His ultimate act of love on the cross exemplifies this (1 John 3:16). In contrast, human carnal love may be limited by convenience and personal comfort.
4. Forgiveness vs. Grudges: Jesus’ love is forgiving, always ready to extend mercy and grace to those who repent. He taught His followers to forgive others as God forgives them (Matthew 6:14-15). Human carnal love may struggle to forgive and can hold onto grudges.
5. Eternal vs. Temporary: Jesus’ love is eternal, extending beyond this life and into eternity. Romans 8:38-39 (NIV) assures us that nothing can separate us from the love of Christ. Human carnal love may be temporary, subject to changing circumstances and emotions.
6. Perfect vs. Imperfect: Jesus’ love is perfect, without any flaws or shortcomings. His love encompasses all aspects of our being and meets our deepest needs. Human carnal love, being human-driven, is imperfect and may not fully satisfy our hearts.
7. Transforms vs. Demeans: Jesus’ love has the power to transform lives. When we experience His love, it changes us from within, making us new creations (2 Corinthians 5:17). Human carnal love, if misused or misdirected, can lead to hurt and emotional pain.
8. Unwavering Faithfulness vs. Fickleness: Jesus’ love is unwavering and constant. He remains faithful even when we falter (2 Timothy 2:13). Human carnal love may vary based on circumstances and emotions, sometimes being fickle and unstable.
9. Empowers vs. Enslaves: Jesus’ love empowers and sets us free from sin and bondage (Galatians 5:1). It liberates us to live in righteousness and godliness. In contrast, human carnal love can sometimes lead to dependency or even unhealthy attachments.
10. Inclusive vs. Exclusive: Jesus’ love is inclusive and embraces all people, inviting everyone to come to Him (Matthew 11:28). Human carnal love can sometimes become exclusive, focused only on a select few or those who are like-minded.
11. Healing vs. Hurting: Jesus’ love brings healing and restoration to broken hearts and wounded souls (Psalm 147:3). It binds up the brokenhearted and offers comfort. Human carnal love, if misguided, can sometimes lead to hurt and pain.
12. Divine Source vs. Human Origin: Jesus’ love originates from God, as He is God incarnate (1 John 4:9-10). His love is divinely inspired and reflects the very nature of God. Human carnal love, while meaningful, is rooted in human emotions and experiences.
13. Empathy vs. Indifference: Jesus’ love is empathetic, understanding the depths of human struggles and pain. He weeps with those who weep (John 11:35). Human carnal love may sometimes display indifference or lack of understanding.
14. Calls to Holiness vs. Tolerates Sin: Jesus’ love calls us to live in holiness and righteousness (1 Peter 1:15-16). It convicts and corrects, guiding us towards a life that honors God. Human carnal love might tolerate or overlook sinful behavior.
15. Promises Eternal Life vs. Earthly Pleasures: Jesus’ love offers the gift of eternal life and a hope beyond this world (John 10:28). It emphasizes the spiritual over the temporal. Human carnal love may be focused on seeking temporary pleasures and gratifications.
16. Serves vs. Seeks to be Served: Jesus’ love is characterized by serving others, as seen in His humble act of washing His disciples’ feet (Mark 10:45). Human carnal love can sometimes be driven by a desire to be served or gain something in return.
It is essential to remember that while we may strive to emulate Jesus’ love, we are imperfect beings. Nevertheless, through His grace and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we can grow in our capacity to love like Christ, thereby impacting the world with the transformative power of His love.