Who Will Save?

Blogpost by Apostle André Pelser
Who can save us?
In Egypt, the 10 Plagues destroyed a nation to free another. God did signs and wonders to give Pharaoh a chance to repent and release the Jews to go and serve God, but he bluntly refused. There are many theories of how the plagues could have happened, like at a certain time of the year the red reeds in the Nile let off a substance that changes the color of the water to red, like how the plague of insects caused the plague of frogs, like how the Red Sea gets shallow at certain times, but the only true explanation is the plagues were supernatural. It was not a rare disease that killed the firstborn during the last plague, but the Angel of Death that flew over the homes of the Jews because they covered their doorposts with blood of a spotless lamb.
Revelation speaks of plagues that will come over the earth in the last days just like they did in the time of Egypt. According to Revelation, one-third of the earth’s population would die.
The Coronavirus has spread to over 27 nations from China where over 2 000 people have already died, and tens of thousands of Chinese are affected as a result of the virus. They have not found a cure for it yet. Wherever you travel you get confronted with a corona testing gun at customs and all officials wear masks. The epidemic has affected air and sea travel and passengers are stuck.
Chinese eat about everything. The coronavirus was transferred from animal meat to humans.
The SARS virus, also from China, has also struck fear in the hearts of people, as did the Ebola virus from West Africa.
One-third of Australia’s forests have been burned to the ground and many people died and others lost their homes. Then great hailstones the size of golf balls hit Australia and people had no answer.
Floods devastate many countries and heavy snowfalls cause havoc.
There are wars all over the world and cities look like ruins. People flee their own countries to seek refuge elsewhere. It is crisis upon crisis. The world leaders regularly meet to find answers, but they have none.
The world has become a fearful place and there is no safe place anymore.
Unless God protects us in these days, we have no protection at all. Unless the Lord protects the house, those who try to protect it do so in vain. Unless the Lord builds the house, those who try to build it will not succeed.
The answer is: only God. Only God can save us – no one else. The safest place is in the will of God for your life.
There are life-threatening diseases all over the world, malaria, yellow fever, hepatitis B and scores of other dangerous maladies. Inoculations help to prevent some of it, but unless the Lord protects us, we have no defense against the onslaught of evil infections.
Crime and violence have increased at a drastic rate, fraud and corruption bring nations to their knees, governments are dishonest and can no longer be trusted. Many nations are bankrupt in the world, and some that seem to be going strong is merely avoiding the collapse.
Paul said, in the last days terrifying times will come because of 3 causes: men will be lovers of money, lovers of self and lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God. Greed is a result of the love of money; selfish interest is the result of self-love and lust results in loving pleasure. Europe speaks of a post-Christian era and no longer even believe in God. Young people everywhere are taught that Christianity is old-fashioned and religious.
Paul explained in the first chapter of the book of Romans that people who do not want to retain God in their thinking will be handed over to their own pleasures such as men doing unseemly things with men and women with women. The result of rejecting God is the cause of all the immorality, homosexuality and lesbianism in the world. God has handed them over to their own designs and lusts because they put God out of their minds.
Peter assures us that we can escape the corruption that is in the world through the great and precious promises of God in His Word, but people regard the Bible as outdated and no longer meditate in the Word. They have gone astray like sheep, because they do not heed the voice of the Great Shepherd. Most Churches in the world have rejected the Bible and priests and preachers give self-motivation lessons instead of preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom of God.
And yet, amidst the chaos in the world, the Spirit of God is still brooding like it did right at the beginning of creation when God created everything out of dark chaos.
Out of the chaos in the world God is creating a new nation, a holy nation, a kingdom of priests and a peculiar people who show forth the praises of God in the earth, people who know how to worship God in spirit and in truth, the way God desires it.
Only God can save us and protect us from all the terrible things that is coming over the earth. He protects us in several ways.
He protects us through dreams and visions. He directed Joseph the husband of Mary, through dreams of Angels appearing to him and telling him where to go and when to go. God has protected us as a family through many dreams that Nola, my wife, had.
He protects
us by His Holy Spirit that leads and guides us into all truth and even shows us
things to come. The Holy Spirit gives an inner conviction what to do and what
not to do, where to go and where not to go and what to say and what not to say.
He nudges us with promptings to do the will of God. Hilton, our youngest son,
was in Sri Lanka when the Holy Spirit prompted him to get up and leave
immediately. Later, the same day, a revolution broke out with much violence and
they closed down the trains, busses and airports. If he did not head the voice
of the Holy Spirit, he would have been stuck for a long time.
Jesus promised those who believe in His Name that they would not be harmed even if they drank deadly things. Twice I have been poisoned in Africa, but survived by the grace of God. The second time the doctors announced twice that I was going to die. My heart actually stopped beating and all my vital organs stopped functioning and I couldn’t breathe. But Nola blew into my mouth and said, ‘Ruach!’ which is the Hebrew word for ‘Breath of God’. God saved me and brought me back to life again.
God has given men & women knowledge in medical science to create vaccines to immunize people against deadly diseases such as polio, malaria, yellow fever, influenza and measles. Penicillin brought relief to many sufferers, blood transfusion saved lives and heart transplants lengthen the lives of many.
God uses the wisdom of the elderly to give advice to the young ones, if they listen, they will be safe. Going to Church is probably the best advice to give to anyone, because that is where you hear the Word of the Lord. His Word upholds all things in creation.
His Word brings health to all your being. His Word guides you along your life’s path. His Word sustains you. His Word corrects you. His Word warns you of what is to come. God told Joshua to meditate in the Word day and night and then he would have good success and make his way prosperous. He needed wisdom to lead the Jewish nations into the Promised Land. Solomon desired wisdom above everything else and because he did that God also gave him fame and fortune. He had to govern a great nation after David, his father, passed away.
As God saved the Jews and brought them out of Egypt through the dry bed of the Red Sea after He made a miraculous way for them, so God will save those who trust in Him in these last days when Jesus returns to take His bride away from this earth. We are to encourage and comfort each other with these words. We have a blessed hope in Christ. We are not hopeless or helpless in this world. We have Savior in Jesus Christ. He will save us. We are to keep our eyes on Him, trust in Him and live for Him.
God will save us.